Click Finish to start the search for features. 单击Finish开始搜索特性。
StartPosition: Where in the search string you wish to start search from. startPosition:在搜索字符串中您希望开始搜索的位置。
This setting specifies the base object from which to start the search. 该设置指定从其中开始搜索的基本对象。
In the Start Search box, type conf. 在StartSearch对话框中输入conf。
FindValue is called by passing in both a node from which to start the search and an XPath statement that specifies the node you're searching for. 通过同时传入要开始搜索的节点和指定要搜索节点的XPath语句来调用findValue。
Men are expected to have a lot of money before they start the search for a wife and women face a lot of pressure to get married young. 男人应该有很多钱,然后才去开始找妻子。女人则面临着乘着年轻快嫁的压力。
You need to examine yourself and your reasons for going to college before you start your search. 在开始选大学前,你需要问问自己,找找上大学的理由。
If a picture is worth 1000 words, when it be agreed, if you could use an image to start your search on Google, now you can with search by image. 如果一篇1000字的文章有张插图,那用文章插图来搜索会很方便。现在,你可以通过图片搜索了。
When he announces that the first prize goes to the von Trapps and they do not appear, the Nazis start a search. 当他宣布到第一名属于特拉普时,他们并没有上台领奖,纳粹开始搜寻他们。
So this afternoon I decide to start my search for my medicine man by asking my new friend Mario if by any chance he knows a man by the name of ketut liyer. 因此这天下午我决定开始寻找我的药师,于是问我的新朋友马里奥是否碰巧知道一个叫老四赖爷的人。
Incredibly, the women cut their hair only once in their lives, at 16-years-old, before they start their search for a husband. 令人难以置信的是,这些妇女一生之中只在16岁剪一次发,这个年龄之后她们就可以嫁人了。
If you already know what you are looking for, enter the product name in a search box to start a search. 如果你已经知道你找的产品名称,则进入搜索框开始搜寻。
To make your business more successful online, you need to start a search engine optimization campaign. 在网上使你的企业更成功,你需要开始一个搜索引擎优化运动。
Where did visitors who search on a specific term start the search from, and where did they go after searching? 谁在哪里访问者搜索了特定任期开始搜索,并在他们随后去了哪里?
To start your search, follow the instructions in the left pane. 要开始搜索,请按照左边窗格中的说明执行。
Boot your PC from Solaris Automatic Installation Disk ( SAID). After kernel loaded, Solaris start to search hardware information. 启动计算机后插入安装盘,选择光盘启动。内核成功加载后开始搜寻硬件硬件信息。
You're about to start the search for a new job, no doubt there are so many emotions swirling, fear top among them. 如果你正要开始寻找一份新工作,无疑会受太多情绪困扰,最主要的就是担心。
To see the changes you made, click find now to start the search again. 若要查看所做的更改,请单击“立即查找”再次进行搜索。
Type Indexing into the control panel search or the start menu search box, and you should see an item called Indexing Options. 类别索引到节制面板搜索或最先菜单的搜索框,你应该会看到一个项目叫做索引选项。
Enter information in at least one field below, and then click Next to start your search. 至少在下面的一个子段中输入信息,然后单击下一步开始搜索。
They start a search for the missing child. 他们开始寻找失踪的女孩。
Please input some string in the search box to start a search. 请在搜索框中输入一些字符串以开始搜索。
Then see where they intersect and start your search there. 然后,看看两者的重叠处,并从那里进行搜寻。
Click find next to start the search, and continue clicking find next until the last open file has been searched. 单击“查找下一个”开始搜索,并继续单击“查找下一个”直到搜索完最后一个打开的文件。
But I will start the search for your replacement. 但我会开始寻找你的接班人。
Start to search now because time is money! 现在就开始搜寻,因为时间是金钱!
Type all or part of the name of an item that you want to locate, and then click go to start the search. 键入希望查找的项的全名或部分名称,再单击“转到”以启动搜索。
You will be able to customize the look and feel of the browser by specifying a custom browser title, start and search pages, an online support page, and preset favorites and links. 您可以通过指定自定义浏览器标题、启始页、搜索页以及联机支持页,自定义浏览器的外观和行为,并且可以预置收藏夹和链接。
Then the analysis is made to the current start search point prediction method, matching criterion. Taking good advantaging of these ideas, a developing algorithm, start search point prediction method based on motion correspondence and motion estimation matching criterion based on vision feature, is proposed. 然后对现有起点预测方法、匹配准则一一作了分析,并在此基础上提出了改进方案&基于运动相关性的起点预测方法和基于视觉特征的运动估计匹配准则。
The motion strength of current block is determined according to the MAD value at the start search point. 根据起始搜索点处的平均绝对残差MAD值确定当前块的运动强度。